• An approximation to multiple scattering in volumetric illumination towards real-time rendering

    Igor B. Fernandes under the orientation of Marcelo Walter (UFRGS) and Pierre Poulin (UdeM).
    My master's work at UFRGS consisted of a perceptual analysis of volumetric rendering using the CIELAB metric. This study led to the proposition of a new real-time algorithm to approximate multiple scattering.

    • [Thesis - 64 pages]
  • 2020
  • A Bucket LBVH Construction and Traversal Algorithm for Volumetric Sparse Data

    Igor B. Fernandes and Marcelo Walter.
    In 33rd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI).
    DOI: 10.1109/SIBGRAPI51738.2020.00014

  • CPU based ray tracing

    Igor B. Fernandes.
    Ray tracing implementation from the article "Ray Tracing in One Weekend" by Peter Shirley alongside some other additions and improvements.

  • 2019
  • Math lib

    Igor B. Fernandes
    Small implementation of common math functions in order to study how those are approximated and their performance implications.

  • 2018
  • 2D game engine Narval development in OpenGL and Java

    Igor B. Fernandes and Maria Adriana V. de Lima (Orientator)
    Final work dissertation required to graduate in Computer Science at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU).

  • Ludum Dare 42

    Igor B. Fernandes and Iasmin B. Fernandes.
    Entry at Ludum Dare 42th edition. Competition held for two days where you have to create a game from scratch given a theme. Done on early versions of my own personal 2D game engine Narval.

  • Ludum Dare 41

    Igor B. Fernandes and Iasmin B. Fernandes.
    Entry at Ludum Dare 41th edition. Competition held for two days where you have to create a game from scratch given a theme. Done on early versions of my own personal 2D game engine Narval.

  • 2017
  • Post-Occupancy Evaluation in Residential Buildings using an Interactive Interface and Mobile Devices

    Aline de S. Lima Abreu, Miguel H. de Brito Pereira, Igor B. Fernandes, Maria Adriana V. de Lima and Simone Barbosa Villa.
    WICSI - Workshop de Iniciação Científica em Sistemas de Informação.

  • Eron guias

    Igor B. Fernandes.
    Huge website created and held by me for a few years at eronguias.com. It contained tutorials, an item database and other useful tools such as maps and worker calculators for the game Black Desert Online.

  • 2016
  • Como você mora?

    Igor B. Fernandes et. al.
    Scientific initiation at Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU). Developed of a mobile app using Corona SDK in Lua.

  • Developed by Igor B. Fernandes.